Home Buyers

How to Improve Your Credit Score Before Buying a Home

Why is Your Credit Score Important for Mortgages? Lenders use your credit score as an indicator of your ability to repay borrowed funds. Having a high credit score can actually work in your favor by ...

The Importance of Pre-Approvals

What Is a Pre-Approval? Pre-approvals are a breeze and play a crucial role when you're on the hunt for your dream home in Minnesota. Think of a pre-approval as a seal of approval that gives ...

Difference Between Mortgage Insurance & Home Insurance

As new homeowners embark on the home buying journey, they often encounter a multitude of unfamiliar terms that can be quite confusing. Among these, the various types of mortgage and home-related insurance can be particularly ...

What is the Opt-Out Pre-Screen and How to Opt-Out

Here at Treadstone, we understand your frustration when it comes to the process of pulling a client's credit report. It's disheartening to know that the three major credit bureaus have the legal right to sell ...

Why Your Property Taxes Go Up After Buying A Home

What are property taxes? When you own a property, you have the responsibility to pay property taxes based on the assessed value of your land and buildings. Property taxes are specific to each individual property ...